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Dictionarium latino-anglicum

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Dictionary Latin English: [rec]

Translation 1 - 50 of 277  >>

Latin English
herb. acaulis {adj} [rec.]acauline
acaulis {adj} [rec.]stemless
americanus {adj} [rec.]American <Am.>
Austriacus {adj} [rec.]Austrian <Aus.>
brasilianus {adj} [rec.]Brazilian
med. canceraticus {adj} [rec.]cancerous
collateralis {adj} [rec.]collateral
cremeus {adj} [rec.]cream [colour]
cuboideus {adj} [rec.]cuboid
cuboideus {adj} [rec.]cube-like
electricus {adj} [rec.]electric
electricus {adj} [rec.]electrical
Francogallicus {adj} [rec.]French
anim. herb. griseus {adj} [rec.]gray [Am.]
anim. herb. griseus {adj} [rec.]grey [esp. Br.]
Hungaricus {adj} [mdv.] [rec.]Hungarian
Iaponicus {adj} [rec.]Japanese
periegeticus {adj} [rec.]touristic
phyleticus {adj} [rec.]racial
pisiformis {adj} [rec.]pisiform
pisiformis {adj} [rec.]pea-shaped
radioactivus {adj} [rec.]radioactive
trochoideus {adj} [rec.]trochoid
chem. actinium {n} [rec.] <Ac>actinium <Ac>
aeroplanum {n} [rec.]aeroplane [Br.]
aviat. aeroportus {m} [rec.]airport
chem. aluminium {n} [rec.] <Al>aluminium <Al> [Br.]
chem. aluminium {n} [rec.] <Al>aluminum <Al> [Am.]
relig. angelus {m} [rec.]angel
chem. mineral. antimonium {n} [rec.] <Sb>antimony <Sb>
chem. argon {n} [rec.] <Ar>argon <Ar>
chem. arsenicum {n} [rec.] <As>arsenic <As>
chem. astatium {n} [rec.] <At>astatine <At>
litt. autobiographia {f} [rec.]autobiography
autoraeda {f} [rec.]car
autovia {f} [rec.]freeway
chem. azotum {n} [rec.] <N>nitrogen <N>
chem. barium {n} [rec.] <Ba>barium <Ba>
chem. baryum {n} [rec.] <Ba>barium <Ba>
geogr. Berolinum {n} [rec.]Berlin
chem. beryllium {n} [rec.] <Be>beryllium <Be>
bigamia {f} [rec.]bigamy
biochem. sci. biochemia {f} [rec.]biochemistry <BC>
litt. biographia {f} [rec.]biography
biol. biologia {f} [rec.]biology
biometria {f} [rec.]biometry
med. biopsia {f} [rec.]biopsy
sci. biotechnologia {f} [rec.]biotechnology
birota {f} [rec.]bicycle
birra {f} [rec.]beer
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